Thursday, June 10, 2010

Not exactly a fun day..

Today we had class in the morning, which consisted of walking around the streets of Berlin and going into different stores asking where things were. It was actually a pretty fun class!

Then we went to the Concentration Camp Sachsenhausen, which I really can't describe in words, so I'm not going to try. I think everyone should visit a place like that once in their lives, and mine was today.

After a somber afternoon, Lindsay and I just stayed in and had bread and chocolate for dinner. We have just been doing some homework and laundry. In a couple minutes, we will be having a Prague fashion show to strategically plan our outfits for the weekend so they fit in backpacks. That could be difficult...

Before we leave for the weekend at 4pm, we are going to a city just outside of Berlin that is supposed to be really cool called Potsdam for another walking tour with Nick.

No internet at the Prague hostel this weekend, but I'm sure I'll have a lot to update about the weekend on Sunday night (after the Germany World Cup game, of course)! Hope you all have a good one :) Auf Wiedersehen!


  1. safe journey boo
    dont talk to strangers and...
    make good choices!
    love momy

  2. Have fun! while your there you might want to sign up for the 2011 Volkswagen Prague Marathon it takes place May 11, 2011 Payty and Karty say Hi!they want a Elmo loves Prague t-shirt Love you
