Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Highway to Hell

This has been one crazy week! As I mentioned last time, everyday has been filled with different activities and things to look forward to. On Monday, instead of class, we went to the Volkswagen plant in Wolfsburg. Basically, it is like a theme park with thousands of little kids running around. Overall, I wasn't super impressed, but the actual factory tour was really cool, even though it only lasted 40 minutes. After the tour, we had a couple hours to ourselves, so we went into the Bugatti exhibit, where we saw this mirror-finished Bugatti. It was amazing!

Mirror finished Bugatti at the VW Autostadt

There was also a car museum, where I found Matt's future orange Lambo. Although I'm sure his will be much cooler! :)

After the day in Wolfsburg, and a couple of missed trains later, Zach, Lindsay, and I made bratwurst pasta here, and did some homework. Nothing too exciting because we had to prepare for our epic night of AC/DC!!!

Which brings me to Tuesday...what an adventure!

Zach, Lindsay, and I had bought tickets for the concert online last Thursday. Another kid from our group, Alex, had told us about it because he had bought a ticket for himself months ago. We asked our TU Berlin program director if we could have the tickets shipped to her office, and she had no problem with it and filled out all the forms for us. Monday rolled around and no tickets had come yet. We all just crossed our fingers for the mail Tuesday, but when Zach checked online the ticket status was "undeliverable address." 80 Euro down the drain.

Or so we thought.. Zach hunted down our German teacher, and had her call DHL to track the tickets back to a DHL warehouse about an hour train ride outside of Berlin. Using his hand drawn google map sketch, he found the warehouse and the only English speaker inside, who helped him find the tickets at 4:30pm. The concert was scheduled to start at 6.

Luckily, Alex told us there were 2 opening acts, so we took our time and had italian carry out. Then we left for the Olympic Stadium around 6pm, followed the enormous crowds of old men with black tshirts on, and got there around 6:45, which was plenty of time to find shirts, food, and a good spot on the floor.

Olympic Stadium Berlin

Zach and Lindsay headed down to the floor

Us on the floor surrounded by crazy German fans

AC/DC came on around 9pm, and the place went crazy! Their first song was Back in Black and it was a great start. They played all their really popular songs, and only about 3 I had never heard before. Their encore was Highway to Hell, which was the best song of the night. I took a video for you Dad! :) We were dancing and singing all night long, and unlike all of our previous experiences, the Germans around us loved us! Be sure to check out the background people in all of these photos. They are pretty hilarious!

Excited for the concert to start!
Check out tall German giving us bunny ears.

Zach and I

Those old men weren't supposed to be in the picture. haha

First song of the night!

Soo excited! :)

So many people!

Highway to Hell encore! Amazing!

Crazy old German AC/DC fan after the concert! hahah

The concert ended around midnight and after pushing our way onto the train, we made it home safe and sound around 1:30am. That was definitely one of the best nights we've had here so far! Lindsay and I both slept through our alarms the next morning, but our teacher was really cool about it because he was at the concert too! :)

After school Wednesday, we were supposed to go to the Germany Fan Mile for the World Cup soccer game, but we fell asleep from 5-8!! The gates to the fan mile were only open until 6:30, so we ended up watching it at our favorite restaurant down the street. All of the people who went to the fan mile said it was crazy! There were thousands of people there all dressed up and singing songs. They even got to see an impromtu concert by Jason DeRulo! (I know Camryn, I'm so dumb for not going!) He sang two of my favorite songs! UGH! I guess that has taught me to never sleep through any opportunity here, because I am bound to miss something good! Secretly, I think the nap was well worth it though.

So that brings us to today. We had class all day and then Lindsay and I went shopping for replacement coats for Zermatt at the North Face store on the Ku'Damm. Then, our program director set up a night at a German swimming pool and sauna. We went to this huge complex that had volleyball courts, water slides, multiple pools, a gym, and over 20 saunas, all indoors. We started out by playing beach volleyball on the indoor courts, which was really fun even though I made a fool of myself, per usual. Then Christina, our German student advisor, wanted to give us the FULL German sauna experience. Interesting, to say the least. Lots of naked people running around. Completely comfortably. Crazy. Oh well, I guess it's their culture.

Later we went swimming, and we got back home around 11pm. I just finished some homework and should be packing, but I'm going to go to bed! :) We have class until 4 tomorrow, and then we leave for Zermatt, Switzerland at 7pm! We stop in Frankfurt, Basel, Visp, and then Zermatt. It will take approximately 14 hours, but we'll get there eventually, and save money on a hotel for the night, right!? We leave to come home late Sunday, and get back Monday morning just in time to walk from the train to German class. Exhausting, but perfect. Should have lots to update on Monday, if I'm awake at all. Until then, I love you guys and really miss you all. Have a great weekend! Auf Wiedersehen!


  1. Lay off the old men in black t-shirts, I am one of them. Have fun skiing and yodelling in Switzerland. Hope you put the AC/DC on your IPOD for the train trip. Stay Safe and as we say in America "Goodbye" Love you.

  2. That one guy is spooky. I hope you ran zig zags home. Momy
